Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Sun and the Stars that float in the open air;
The apple shaped earth, and we upon it –
Surely, the drift of them,is something grand!
I do not know what it is, except that it is grand,
And that it is happiness.

The other day I found the hidden happiness in me when I descended to sleep. Till then I was in depressed spirits. But now Iam bright and joyous, with that somewhat sinister cheerfulness which was characteristic of my lighter moments. But where did it come from. One second thought, one second thought that the happiness of life is made up    of minute fractions – the little soon forgotten charities of a kiss or smile, a kind look, a heart felt compliment, and the countless infinitesimals of pleasurable and genial feeling, that Iam retrieving my powers, that the very old Devan is still somewhere there in my heart left unburried, that I love and Iam loved. Iam thankful to the Spirit who was with me for births, who abandoned me for a small period and who is now with me to lift me up to the horizons.

Where my relationships to others are soundly growing , Iam growing. Where they are halted in their growth Iam halted. Where they are twisted in their growth, Iam twisted in mine.

Bonaro W. Overstreet, he reveals:  I believe the best situations for us to live and grow in are those geared to equality ; equality equality of respect; equality of rights. I do not believe we can attain our psychological stature, our real human stature, either by leaning on others or by trying to outdo others and gain power over them. Iam for the level look of equality and the cordial look of friendliness between man and man.

It would never have happened without Devi..

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