Monday, October 4, 2010

I received few comments on the caricatures and paintings that I uploaded in Orkut. Sathyan reminded me of my father’s drawing skills. Yes I remember, he used to draw and paint. He captured all his skills from Nature. It’s a common argument that an art or skill is inborn and is gifted by God, but with my father it was the other way round. I still remember a painting in blue by my father. It was a caricature of my mother. She was a remarkable beauty in that painting. It’s unfortunate that we don’t have any of his caricatures or work of Art at home. But, where did it all vanish. We lost many such precious things on the way. My paintings, my badminton racquet, the wooden chessboard, artworks on wood etc are few of them.

My off moods always used to make me draw. I always used to get finer results also. Caricatures, flowers, animals, dragons, Gods and butterflies were my objects of interests. I was good at landscapes in black. I gifted an A0 size Ganapathi in pencil shades to my sister which till now decorates her Pooja room. A pencil shaded Nila was one of the nest caricatures I ever did. It was widely appreciated by everyone who had a look at it. Nila is obviously yet another question which I don’t feel like explaining at this point of time. She is someone from my yester birth and I have a vague outline of how she will be. But should say that was my last work of Art in paper.   But why did I stop drawing. Those questions never had an answer. I don’t need a much better answer also..

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